Project Summery
Libraries are free spaces for members of all ages, gender, race, and sexuality. They are a space for the community to learn and discuss together. However, cultural shifts in the United States have allowed certain groups the ability to decide to display or ban specific books. These 'banned books' are often due to the book's representation of race or sexuality. However, books should be accessible for information and learning regardless of the topic. 
The Library for Banned Books project focuses around reincorporating banned books into the library while also creating an inviting and active space for community discussion and interaction. The site's interior was mainly preserved not to take away the history of the community, but instead, the library was reconfigured to help attract and welcome people of all backgrounds. The banned books are prominently displayed as the center of attention above each staircase, as these books should be promptly read and known by all members to learn the books' life lessons and stories that were attempted to be hushed away. The library allows community members of all ages to utilize the space in various methods; students can access learning centers or the resource center. While the reading room provides various seating options for children, teens, and adults. The Banned Book and Community display sitting area allow members to gather to discuss books or issues. The meeting rooms allow a private area for community members to gather. The library is a space for all community members to interact and discuss. 

Site Analysis
203 Arlington Avenue, Brooklyn 

Precedent Study 
Liyuan Library 

Community Analysis

Site Programs
Spacial Diagram
First Floor
Second Floor

Final Model

Plans and Sections
First Floor
Second Floor
Section A

Reflected Ceiling Plans
First Floor RCP
Second Floor RCP

Furniture and Materials


Rendering of Welcome Desk

Rendering of Banned Book Section

Rendering of Banned Book Display in Reading Room

Rendering of Reading Room

Rendering of Child Section

Rendering of Learning Center

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